Graphology Report Maker

4-  Zones                                                                                   

Are you contented or do you want more ?

Here we are looking at the size of the middle zone in
relation to the upper zone.
If the middle zone is smaller than the upper zone,
then you have a small middle zone.
If the middle zone is the same size or a little larger
than the upper zone, then you have a full middle zone.
Do any of these apply to your handwriting?
If so then scroll down the page. If  not then go to the next section


A full middle zone is seen when the upper and middle zones are the same
size, or the middle zone is larger in proportion to the upper zone. This will
show a good balance between the intellectual and social outlooks on life.

A small middle zone in relation to the upper zone, shows that the
writer will feel something is missing in life. The missing element is the
contentment that comes from feeling socially acceptable. Such writing
indicates a constant desire for personal improvement.

Right slant
Connected & disconnected
Rising lines
Clearly spaced lines
End strokes
Open a's  and o's
Full Middle Zone

Full Middle Zone


You have inner realizations based upon contemplation and good assimi-
lation of your own past experiences, which form the basis of your sense
of morality. You think things out for yourself and are committed to
idealistic feelings, rather than aspirations.


You have no difficulty in communicating with anyone because you are
able to express your inner realizations and experiences in such a
meaningful way. Others benefit from these as well as enjoy hearing

Inward looking

You look inward to find answers to all your problems relating to
material, social and intellectual matters. You have the ability to be fairly
contented within yourself, and are satisfied with your lot. Therefore,
you are not as ambitious as others may be.

Right slant
Connected & disconnected
Fullness & leanness
Lines falling
Varying pressure
Small Middle Zone

Small Middle Zone

Lack of Contentment

You experience a certain lack of contentment, and consequently are
always striving after satisfaction within yourself. You believe that
when you achieve a certain situation in life, you will then be
satisfied. If you do reach your goal you will find that the contentment
which you need is still missing, and this will drive you on to higher


Basically your ambitious activities are linked with feelings of
inferiority in a work place or social setting. You are constantly
trying to prove to yourself and others that you are just as good, if
not better, than they are. There are times when you can be quite

The happiness for which you are looking will not come by changing your
position in life, but by counting your blessings and being satisfied
with what you have.

The tendency towards self-righteousness and pride could be overcome by
the clearly defined development of contentment, based upon your
experience and realization of life's meaning.

Hard Worker

Usually you are a hard worker and a perfectionist. You are also
thorough and like to attend to all the details yourself.

You are usually a hard worker, your philosophy being 'I will not be
contented with my life until I have achieved my goal'. If you look back
into your past you will probably find that the goals you had then have
now been achieved.

However, instead of allowing yourself the sense of satisfaction and
contentment that should come with the completion of a task, you set
your ambitious streak off again in the direction of another goal to be
achieved before you can be satisfied.

It is a little like climbing up to the top of a mountain without taking
time to appreciate the beautiful view along the way.

Learning how to be contented and satisfied with life can come with a
change to a full middle zone in your handwriting. With this change,
inner goals are given just as much importance as outer goals. Also a
sense of self-fulfillment is achieved. You will learn how to
attract success towards yourself, instead of running after it.

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