My Handwriting Analyzer



For Sale  Graphology book and Graphology readings

Do It Yourself Graphology. The Book About You

£ 7.50 

Do It Yourself Graphology. The Book About You
by Ian Goulding. Paperback.

If you would like to know whats in the book,
Just take a look at this web site.

My Handwriting Analyzer web site is an updated
version of  Do It Yourself Graphology.

5  3/4  X  8  1/4  inches
141 Pages

Postage and Packing Free

Do It Yourself Graphology
Book reviews.

AAHA Dialogue
Publication of the American Association of Handwriting Analysts
Reviewed by  Pat Peterson
July- August 1991

Good things come in small packages. Do It Yourself Graphology is a jam-packed.
141- page manual, written for beginners but innovative enough to interest advanced
students. According to author Ian Goulding , the book provides enough knowledge
for you to produce a six page report simply by running down a list of contents and
turning to the appropriate pages for interpretations and read-outs.

Goulding's book is handsomely packaged and provides the reader with an abundance
of writing samples,  clever artwork, photographs, diagrams, and charts. The information
is organized to lead the reader, via topic headings, through the maze of information.
Some of the headings offered are:  "Reference page, "  Interpretation,"  " Notes, "
and  "Case History."

Numerous cross-references are provided to help expand each subject. Topics are well
annotated, with interpretations clearly defined.  the case histories are particularly interesting
since  they are anecdotal and give insight to the author.

Goulding is from England and started studying graphology at age sixteen. He is well
traveled and well versed in various philosophical systems. Do It Yourself Graphology
is Goulding's attempt to present the language of graphology in a way that is easily
understood and quickly applied. He sees this book as a practical help in the direction
of achieving a natural inner rhythm and harmony.

With all the basic traits well covered, Goulding takes us into new territory by correlating
the zones of writing with the color spectrum. The book comes with a "colour chart"
and a "universal law of correspondences." By superimposing the writing sample on
the colour chart, one can, by way of analogy and relation of color, have a clearer
understanding of the personality in question.

The author recommends combining the handwriting analysis and colour chart interpretations
to determine personality imbalances. He then goes on to offer handwriting changes and
suggests:  "Change your handwriting and change yourself."

The possibilities and correlation's are quite thought- provoking, and this book shows
how it is done.

AHAF Journal
American Handwriting Analysis Foundation
Reviewed by  Kate Wright
July- August 1991

Mr. Goulding's slender volume has less than 150 pages. On the lavender cover is an
inset decal showing an adaptation of the caduceus --- the usual staff of the medical profession
symbol  is, in this case, a pen. It seems an apt cover for the premise stated inside that, among
five other objectives, "This book will help you understand yourself and others in a clearer light."

The first 90 pages cover the basics though which graphology is understood: slant, size, zones.
lines, layout. and 16 short chapters later, margins. The scope is quite comprehensive.
There are captivating line drawings which illustrate several of the major subjects. Especially
appealing are the two which demonstrate " Large size" and "Microscipic size."

Each chapter states the aspect to be coverd, with an introductory drawing and/or description.
Next are samples of writings selected to illustrate the aspect under study in that chapter.
The chapter on lines has samples for rising lines, straight lines, garland lines and arcade lines
among others. Garland lines are concave and arcade lines are convex. How much more easily
remembered! "Eye training-- Things to look for" follows each with samples. To help train the novice,
additional major characteristics of the sample are listed. There are usualy about 6-8 of these,
and page numbers for the reference are included---very helpful!

Interpretation follows "Eye training" and may be quite simple, as in the case of Rising Lines:
"At the moment you are very optimistic about life in general, your strong faith in life improving,
bringing about a great deal of enthusiasm in your work and day-to-day life." The Interpretation
for a subject like Heavy Presure is longer, although still only a few paragraphs.

NOTES or an occasional CASE HISTORY end each of the descripitive sections.
Interpretations are written in terms which can be used to talk to the writer of the sample or
write a report. NOTES discusses varying background knowledge for the graphologist.

Any book with a caduceus on the cover must have more than basic graphology within.
On the 40 pages following the basics, Mr Goulding correlates the seven colors of the rainbow,
seven notes and seven tones of the musical scale, five senses, seven chakras (energy centers in the body),
seven Indian caste system levels, three modes of material nature, Western traditional thought, and the
three graphological zones. The rainbow colors are the base or major focus. This complicated
sounding list is carefully outlined in a simple-to-understand chart with all these various elements aligned to
the rainbow colors. There is also a chart of the rainbow in linear form with the cursive English
alphabet and a tree over the colors. A third chart is of a figure he calls the Rainbow Warrior,
illustrating, in the same colors, the chakras.

Each color, along with its attending elements from the chart, is described in more detail, including
graphological correlations. Sample cursive letters illustrate points for the descriptions. For example.
green is the band of color along the lower middle zone and baseline.Slightly rising end strokes are
described as "moves toward the right, along the green zone, thus emphasizing the greenness of
nature and its ability to give in abundance." Generosity has never been so graphically emphasized.
This entire section gives illustrative form to many graphological concepts.

The final section, Example and Tips, covers two things. First, the major aspects are found in a
sample writing. The Eye Training list is used again for the student to go back to the pages from
which information and wordings can be used to talk to the writer of the sample. Last, there are
several hints on getting started and for the beginning graphologist working with a client.

The Canadian Analyst
Reviewed by  Axel H. Sjoberg
September 1991

The TCA has received a most interesting book titled
Do It Yourself Graphology by Ian Goulding. A practical home study course,
it enables even the novice to produce a general analysis. Well illustrated, it
interprets the meanings of slant,  width, size, zones and line direction,
connections, form, pressure, regularity, rhythm, speed, margins and more.
There are useful tips about individual letters and an intriguing section on
color in relation to various parts of the body, and mind, depicted by different zones.
interpretations will help analysts who have some difficulty expressing findings clearly.
 TCA recommends.

Graphology Reading by Post

£ 6.00 

Special Offer on  Graphology Readings by Post.

Usually when I give a graphology reading the client is sitting in front of me.
I look at the handwriting and talk off  the cuff  untill I have finished.
Using the internet is a different situation for me.

This is the first time I'm offering to do Graphology readings by Post  on the internet.
So,  to encourage you and hopefully  get some reviews to put on this page,
I would like to start the price very low at £6.00
This will go up when I have completed about  10 graphology readings.

Graphology Readings by Post.

What I need is handwriting on plain paper with no lines.
The paper from the printer will do fine.

Write at least 6 lines about anything you like with your signature at the end.
This is best done in a cursive script ( not all printed capitals please).
Include your address so I will know where to post your reading to.
Tell me your age and if you are male or female.
State what name you would like me to print on the front of the CD.

The problem with scanning and sending by email is that the pressure
is difficult to see and the fluency of the handwriting sample can sometimes
look a bit jagged when its not. The size can also change a bit.
This is why it is best to send me your handwriting by post.

In return I will send you a CD with your name on.
In the CD  you will find your graphology reading in text form that you can print .
I will be using the text from this web site to compile it.
Also I will put a video recording on the CD.
I will put your handwriting sample on the screen so you will be able to see
what handwriting movements  I am talking about.
It won't be a complete reading as that would just be repeating the text.
More like a summery referring to the text and talking about any finer intricacies
in your handwriting that the text reading may overlook.
You can Play this on widows media player.
I will also return your handwriting sample.

I  use the Royal Mail for postage and will send your graphology reading
within 1 week of me receiving your post.      Postage and Packing Free.

Out side U.K. Please use pay pal.
In the U.K. you can pay with pay pal
or send a cheque made payable to Ian Goulding, with your handwriting sample.
Send your handwriting sample to:

Ian Goulding
34 The Chalet
Solent Breezes
Hook Lane
SO31 9HG
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